Fuel Storage and Energy Production

Fuel Storage

Solar Panels

Since normal supply of fuel and electricity will likely be severely hampered in the wake of a large-scale national disaster, residents of The Resort at Forest Haven will be encouraged to maintain multiple years’ supply of essential fuel and energy resources. Each family residence at The Resort at Forest Haven should make a concerted effort to ensure their property is properly equipped for prosperity not only in current times of economic and social stability, but also for times when the connectedness of society may have broken down.
Fuel supplies at stations across the country will begin to dwindle within days if trucks are not making their regular deliveries. So to ensure that your family and friends have an ample supply of both fuel and energy production capabilities for an extended period of time, the following fuel storage and energy production practices are highly recommended for each resort resident family. First, each family will store ample supplies of gasoline, diesel, and propane in various areas on their property. In addition, trees will be planted (assuming the lot is not already fully forested) to ensure that a ready supply of wood for burning, building, and other uses will be available. Just as essential as fuel reserves will be methods to produce power and electricity for a myriad of uses. In order to accomplish this, each property will have an extensive array of solar panels in place as well as a complete set packed away in secure faraday storage facilities. In addition, an industrial-strength steam engine will be hooked up, used periodically, and maintained in proper-working order. An identical spare steam engine that is not hooked up but is to be used for backup or for replacement parts will also be stored. Lastly, generators will be stored along with the panels in the faraday storage area.


We need to face it, as a nation we have a reliance on petroleum.
— Lisa Murkowski
Energy is the essence of life. Every day you decide how you’re going to use it…
— Oprah Winfrey
Remember, you and you alone are responsible for maintaining your energy. Give up blaming, complaining and excuse making, and keep taking action.
— Jack Canfield

Often, sustainability is discussed only in the context of energy. Energy sustainability is essential – but the word has a much broader meaning. It means long-term thinking about how we manage… and plan for the future. This requires vision and leadership, and it requires… engagement.
— Joe Kaeser

While we all benefit in some ways from modern technology, I do wonder what state our world would be in if we suddenly lost the electrical power necessary to keep our communications functioning. Would the younger generations know how to grow crops to feed a family? Would they know how to drop anchor and wait for the catch? Would they know how to survive by the sweat of the brow? New is good. Old is necessary.
— Reverend Billy Graham

It’s not just providing food and water. If you fix the power first, you solve 90 percent of the problems.
— Brock Long, FEMA
I’ve been very passionate about renewable energy… particularly solar energy and its capacity to bring abundant clean, sustainable energy to millions around the globe.
— Richard Branson

Resilience is all about being able to overcome the unexpected. Sustainability is about survival. The goal of resilience is to thrive.
— Jamais Cascio
Sustainability is the key to our survival on this planet and will also determine success on all levels.
— Shari Arison