
Interconnected Phone Lines

HAM/CB Radios, Satellite Phones


In the wake of a national disaster, Television, Internet, Radio, Cell Phones, and Land Telephone Lines could be wholly inoperable across a wide region of the country. In spite of this, residences within The Resort at Forest Haven will have electrical power as well as communication systems, equipment, and plans in place to maintain vital communication between members of the resort and also with those in the surrounding community. It will also be imperative for residents to have the ability to communicate with resort residents who have not yet arrived at the community to coordinate their safe arrival.
For example, each residence will be equipped with Ham radios and CB radios. There will be a radio setup and an antenna for medium distance and long distance communication. Also, satellite phones may provide connectivity when other forms of communication are down. Lastly, in order to protect sensitive circuitry from damage due to electromagnetism or other dangers, emergency communication equipment will be stored in Faraday cages or Faraday rooms until needed.

Communication Networks

Faraday Enclosures
Communication during a crisis serves two valuable purposes: first to inform and second to motivate.
— Randel Carlock

The most important thing for survival is communication… It makes all the difference.
— John McCain

Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.
— Anthony Brandt
Where there is no vision, the people perish.
— Proverbs 29:18

Communication is paramount, and what medium or what format you utilize should be a non-issue. In some respects, [it] ends up navigating or dictating the outcome.
— Doug Aitken

People crave comfort, people crave connection, people crave community.
— Marianne Williamson
True genius resides in the capacity of evaluation of uncertain, hazardous, and conflicting information.
— Winston Churchill