



In the event of a national disaster or emergency, it is highly likely that transportation as we know it would become unreliable and/or a risky venture. Whether by an EMP or solar storm, if the computer and/or electronic circuitry found in most modern cars were damaged, then those cars might become partially, or even wholly inoperable. In these and other scenarios, gasoline supply would very quickly diminish if electricity supplied to oil refineries were compromised. Naturally, if there is no delivery of fuel to gas stations, then within hours or days, then even if the stations had electricity, the pumps at these stations would run dry. At The Resort at Forest Haven, we have multiple contingencies for these types of events. The resort will maintain a fleet of vehicles with engines that do not require sensitive electronic circuitry and internal computers. In order to keep vehicles operating at peak performance for a long duration, significant spare parts will be stored at the resort. In addition, thousands of gallons of treated gasoline and diesel fuel will be stored both on-site and off-site.



Spare Parts
Transportation is the center of the world! It is the glue of our daily lives.
— Robin Chase
The reality about transportation is that it’s future-oriented. If we’re planning for what we have, we’re behind the curve.
— Anthony Foxx

We need a first-class transportation system.
— Dan Lipinski
Be Prepared… the meaning of the [words] is that a [person] must prepare himself by previous thinking out and practicing how to act on any accident or emergency so that he is never taken by surprise.
— Robert Baden-Powell

There can be no doubt that the transportation sector is the most critical sector.
— Robert Brady
When people want transportation, they want it now.
— Logan Green

To me, if life boils down to one thing, it’s movement. To live is to keep moving.
— Jerry Seinfeld
The propensity to truck, barter and exchange one thing for another is common to all men, and to be found in no other race of animals.
— Adam Smith