Resort-Owned Establishments

Gas Station


Machine Shop


It will be advantageous for The Resort at Forest Haven to own or have vested ownership interest in multiple public establishments in nearby communities. Two such establishments will be fine dining establishments. The resort will also own a medical emergency clinic and accompanying pharmacy, a full-size gas station, a fully-stocked gun shop, a hardware store, a farmers market and swap meet, an auto repair and machine shop, a veterinarian clinic, a lumber mill, a tree maintenance service company, multiple coops for fruit, nuts, and grains, cotton fiber production facilities, and a variety of storage facilities.


Lumber Mill

Auto Repair

Diversified interests must exist in every community, and that system which is best calculated to promote the general interest is the one which should be adopted and adhered to with fidelity.
— Sam Houston
The only real way to success over time is a diversified economy.
— Jim Gray

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts his sails.
— William Arthur Ward
A survival tale peels away the niceties and comforts of civilization. Suddenly, all the technology and education in the world means nothing. I think all of us wonder while reading a survival tale, ‘What would I have done in this situation? Would I have made it?’
— Nathaniel Philbrick

Prepare for the unknown by studying how others in the past have coped with the unforeseeable and the unpredictable.
— Gen. George S. Patton
Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.
— Japanese Proverb

The beauty of diversification is it’s about as close as you can get to a free lunch.
— Barry Ritholtz
The starting point for energy security today as it has always been is diversification of supplies and sources.
— Daniel Yergin

The only thing harder than planning for an emergency is explaining why you didn’t.
— Unknown
Remember: when disaster strikes, the time to prepare has passed.
— Steven Cyros
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
— Benjamin Franklin

A retreat is a place you go to live, not to die. Setting up a retreat is, for the most part, practicing the art of the possible. It’s a matter of wisely and shrewdly identifying what you have and turning it into something usable… Fight if you must, but try your utmost to orchestrate events so that confrontation is absolutely the remedy of last resort.
— Ragnar Benson