Solar Storm

Just imagine… A massive solar storm erupts on the surface of the sun sending ten billion tons of electromagnetic radiation hurtling toward the Earth. When it arrives, like the results of an EMP, the electrical grid and all electronic devices are wiped out. There is, therefore, no power… There will be no gas… No running water… After several days, no food on any shelves… No communication… Cars stop in place. Airplanes fall. Cell phones go black. Lights go dark. In the blink of an eye, the world finds itself in complete blackout with ensuing societal meltdown.
The solution?
The Resort at Forest Haven. Even after all of this, we still have gas and electrical power. We have water, food, and fuel storage. We have security and communications. We have commerce and transportation. We have extensive grain fields, fruit and nut orchards, vineyards… We have everything necessary to be completely self-sufficient and at the same time, maintain the high standard of living you and your family are accustomed to.
- A “Carrington Event Class” coronal mass ejection (CME) occurred on the sun in July 2012. A billion tons of highly charged solar atmosphere erupted off the face of the Sun and out into space at millions of miles per hour. Luckily, the center of that mighty solar belch crossed Earth’s orbit well behind us.

- In June 2013, a joint venture from researchers at Lloyd’s of London & Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER) in the United States used data from the Carrington Event. They estimate the current cost of a similar event to the U.S. alone would be up to $2.6 Trillion.

- In addition to disrupting communications and energy grids, powerful bursts of electromagnetic radiation, energetic charged particles, and magnetized plasma, have the potential to corrode water and sewer pipelines, to erase historical data stored in computer memory, and to undermine military and security operations.
–Louis Lanzerotti, NJIT’s Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research

- Report: White House preparing for catastrophic solar flares which could wipe out power around the world for months – bringing an end to modern civilization as we know it.

- The recovery time from [such a severe solar storm] would be about four to ten years.
–Ying D. Liu, professor at China’s State Key Laboratory of Space Weather
- The odds that a massive solar storm will hit the earth by 2020? 12%
–Pete Riley, Predictive Science Inc.

- “Once systems start to fail [due to a massive solar storm, the outages] could cascade in ways we can’t even conceive,”
–Daniel Baker, Director, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
- Humanity would only have a 12-hour warning about the arrival of a “coronal mass ejection” that could damage the National Grid, pipelines and railway signals.
–UK Cabinet Office

- ‘Frankly, [a massive solar storm] could be one of the most severe natural disasters that the country, and major portions of the world, could face,’
–John Kappenman, space weather consultant
- “We’re much more reliant on technology these days that is vulnerable to space weather than we were in the past. If we were hit by an extreme [solar storm] today, it’d be very difficult to respond.”
–Thomas Berger, Director, Space Weather Prediction Center