
Imagine it — a viral infection sweeps through the population with no cure or vaccination in sight. Whether spread via insects, water, food, personal contact or merely through the air – who is safe? As the virus infects more and more people, panic begins to tear through the population. Is it safe to venture outside? To go to work? Grocery store and pharmacy shelves are picked clean and soon after, looting and rioting are rampant. Lights flicker as utilities struggle to operate with fewer than half of staff reporting to work. Water sputters from faucets, and as more and more services and utilities begin failing, panic levels skyrocket.
The solution?
The Resort at Forest Haven. While the uninfected members of the populace hide in their homes in fear, those at the resort experience peace of mind knowing we have diligent security forces and communications. We have safety equipment, hazmat suits, and quarantine areas, if necessary. We have a double-fenced perimeter. We have gas and electrical power. We have water, food, pharmaceutical, and fuel storage — everything necessary to be completely safe, secure, self-sufficient, and at the same time, maintain the high standard of living you and your family are accustomed to.
- A new global flu pandemic within the next couple years is inevitable.
–Joseph Kim, Inovio Pharmaceuticals
- “With flu, I’m quite sure there will be another pandemic,”
–Wendy Barclay, Imperial College, London

- “Gentlemen, it is the microbes who will have the last word.”
–Louis Pasteur
- “Pandemics represent a real threat to human security,”
–Peter Sands

- In a poll of top epidemiologists, 90% said they believed there will be a pandemic within their children’s or grandchildren’s lifetimes in which 1 billion people get sick, 165 million die, resulting in a global depression and a $1-3 trillion blow to the economy.
–Larry Brilliant, 2006 TED talk

- “They died by the hundreds, both day and night, and all were thrown in ditches and covered with earth. And as soon as those ditches were filled, more were dug. And I, Agnolo di Tura, buried my five children with my own hands. So many died that all believed it was the end of the world.”
–Agnolo di Tura, The Plague

- “The world is unprepared [for a pandemic],”
–Margaret Chan, WHO Director General
- “[Pandemic] is always on the horizon, and is a devastating scenario,”
–Ran Balicer, Ben Gurion University

- The Next Pandemic: Not if, but When.
–David Quammen, New York Times
- The Next Contagion is Closer Than You Think.
–Michael T. Osterholm, University of Minnesota

- The Spanish flu of 1918, carried around the world by soldiers bound for or returning from Europe’s battlegrounds, killed between 50 and 100 million people – many more than died in the First World War itself.